Who are we?

We are a coalition of municipal animal controls, humane organizations, rescue groups and concerned individuals, working collectively to improve the lives of feral cats through strategic TNR programs and to address the numbers of homeless and feral cats living on the streets. In the spring of 2010, Toronto Animal Services announced the opening of a new spay/neuter clinic and that they would sterilize feral cats for free on specific days each month. This amazing breakthrough was the catalyst that formed the Toronto Feral Cat Coalition. Later in 2010, Toronto Street Cats and the Toronto Humane Society, also began offering free spay neuter clinics for feral cats.

Our Mandate

  • Help reduce feral cat over-population in Toronto via TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) and accessible spay/neuter clinics in a coordinated manner.
  • Educating and building awareness amongst cat owners and caregivers about the breadth of resources available for TNR and colony management in Toronto.
  • Advocating with politicians and supporting the ongoing welfare of Toronto’s colonies.