Need a safe place for your feral before and after surgery?
The Recovery Centre is available to any caretaker requiring space for feral or stray cats recovering from spay/neuter surgery.
The Recovery Centre is available to any caretaker requiring space for feral or stray cats recovering from spay/neuter surgery. The maximum capacity of the Centre must not exceed 40 cats with present equipment and volunteer levels.
The Recovery Centre is available to any caretaker requiring space for feral or stray cats recovering from spay/neuter surgery. The maximum capacity of the Centre must not exceed 40 cats with present equipment and volunteer levels.
The service is free to cats and caretakers meeting all of the following criteria:
- the cat was trapped from a registered colony within the City of Toronto
- the caretaker has taken the TNR Workshop hosted by Community Cats Toronto
- the cat was spayed/neutered at either a Toronto Street Cats, Toronto Humane Society or Toronto Animal Services TNR clinic.
- the trappers adhere to all rules regarding the use of the facilities.
The service is available for a flat rate of $10 per cat to cover operating expenses for cats and caretakers in the following circumstances:
- the cat was trapped outside of City of Toronto boundaries
- the caretaker has not taken the TNR Workshop hosted by the Community Cats Toronto
- the cat has been spayed/neutered at a clinic other than a Toronto Street Cats clinic, a Toronto Animal Services TNR clinic, or a Toronto Humane Society TNR clinic.
Please note that payment is to be by cash only and exact change must be provided.
For more information, visit