
Community Cats Toronto
Trap-Neuter-Return: How to Manage a Feral Cat Colony

An online training seminar
for feral cat caretakers

Come learn how to care for the homeless outdoor cats in your neighborhood.  All steps in setting up a managed colony will be covered, including trapping, feeding, sheltering, getting the cats fixed, and working with neighbours. Written materials will be provided and techniques demonstrated. 

Toronto caretakers who attend the TNR course will be eligible for access to the Toronto Animal Services (TAS) & Toronto Humane Society (THS) free spay/neuter clinics for ferals, equipment loans, expert advice and more!

Registration is by web ONLY, and space is limited, so sign up today.   Visit for more details.

Registration fee:  $10.00

Your registration will be confirmed by e-mail, if you provide us with an e-mail address.  Otherwise, confirmation will be by telephone.

For more information, please visit